Spotkania z astronomią - zaproszenie
Dear Friends,
We have some great adventures for you. Hope you join us and share with us the fun your students will have while participating in these activities:
1) March 11th – Next hangout on the Inspiring Science Education Series. This time the topic will bestar and planet formation: . Dr. Pamela Gay will interview a member of the Herschel Mission scientist. We will also release the accompanying scenario that accompanies this hangout. You can already join the community here:
2) March 14th - we have another fun activity – the Pi day – we invite you to celebrate Einstein on this day. Check out how you and your students can participate in this adventure:
3) March 19th and 20th - These will be unique days where we invite you to observe the solar eclipse with your students (if you are lucky to be in the path of the eclipse) and to repeat Erathostenes experiment. You can find all the information here:
4) March 31st – Deadline for the ISE competition. You still have time. Take that super lesson from your drawer and share it with us .. you may win a trip to participate on science on stage -
5) Time to check again how our network is growing. Can you please help us by filling this form? This time we decided to add a field for teachers to introduce the numbers of students involved in the use shared during GTTP training events. I thank you a lot for your support. We want to make sure that our joint effort is alive and kicking. The form: And since we are doing this can you please make sure that we have you in our map?:
6) Last but not least don’t forget the Dark Skies Rangers contest: and the
Go-lab contest:
Guess this is all for now …. Have fun and see you in April
Rosa on the road … perhaps I will meet you :-) (Romania, Portugal, Estonia, Ireland, UK, Netherlands, Belgium, Greece)