środa, 6 listopada 2013

Planeta Wenus - kl. II a

Bardzo proszę o wykonanie ćwiczenia i przesłanie wyników do Pana Sanjay Limaye'a zgodnie z jego wytycznymi (z listu przesłanego na moją skrzynkę e-mail):
"I hope you are well and that your students are performing well also?
I am writing to thank you for a very wonderful experience visiting your school and working with the students in the computer lab.
It really the first time we had tried to use the on-line cloud tracking activity with stuents and I appreciate the experience. We learned what needed to be fixed with the applet, and I am pleased to write that those changes have been made.
The first was that the e-mail function did not work at all, so your students did not get their results back. If I may request you to ask the students to try the applet again, I would then be able to connect via Skype and talk to them about their results. This is what I had intended to do, and I hope we can do this sometime at a convenient time.

The basic instructions are the same:
1. Choose two image separated by at least 40 mintutes and less than two hours for tracking. More images can be used as long as the total duration of time between the first and the last image is less than three hours because the cloud features change and may not be easily recognizable from the first to the last image if the interval is small.
2. Use the "Back arrow" button to remove a target if the feature is tracked in error.
3. Use the animation feature to get oriented with the movements before making measurements.
One main change is that we ask the e-mail first before you can track, and there is a code that is e-mailed which needs to be entered the first time.
I can go over these instructions via Skype also, if this is possible."

adres do Pana Doktora: sanjay.limaye@ssec.wisc.edu

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